Sunday, May 4, 2014

Move Over, Abe

I get to D.C. a couple times a year and never leave the city without visiting my Boyfriend Abe.  As was confirmed a couple of years ago by one of the park rangers who watches over him, he is IN THERE!  I always take a million pictures of him, because like anyone we love, we can never get enough of them, right?

This time it was dusk and coming up the mall toward him I shot a million photos because he just looked so exquisite in the fading light.  The rain had just stopped, and it was late enough that the kiddie population had thinned.  

Somehow this time it looked like he was waiting for me.  I, of course, silently told him how much I adored him, and like any insane lover of a dead man, I attempted a selfie with him towering over my shoulder.  I will spare you that one.

Standing at his feet I said "Hmmm....what messages might you have for me, darling dearest?" and -- again like any insane lover of a dead man I heard him reply. 

He said "Great things are coming!"  Lovely.  A while later I skipped off into the night with the loveliest misty rain showering down upon me and walked for about an hour through the quiet D.C. streets. 

Seventy two hours later something truly great did happen.  I was reconnected (by a very special friend) with a man I had a mad crush on almost 30 years ago.   The most extraordinary thing about him is that he shares some of Abe's lovely traits, the most important of which is that he thinks my above-mentioned insanity is adorable.   

I imagine that Abe thought Mary Todd's insanity was slightly adorable as well.  

So, while Abe will always have a huge chamber of my heart permanently carved with his name, I have a lovely man looking for his own piece of real estate in the same neighborhood.

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