Friday, September 9, 2016

Love Warriors: A Call to Action!


The book I'm finishing is The Superhero's Guide to Break-Ups, Loss & Heartache.  Therefore when several people I trust told me to pre-order a book called Love Warrior, it was kind of a no-brainer. 

I have to admit, though, I was scared to open it when it arrived on Tuesday.  Would it make my book irrelevant?  Four years of work down the drain?  But then I heard her interviewed of author Glennon Doyle Melton on Linda Sivertsen's podcast (Linda Sivertsen & Martha Beck Interview Author Glennon Doyle Melton) I knew that her book was very different because there is no one exactly like Glennon, just like there is no one exactly like me, or you, dear reader.  We all have these juicy little unique hearts holding their very own juicy little unique stories.  That's why everyone who wants to tell their story should.

Glennon has a way with telling hers in a way that might really have a shot at opening millions of hearts.  She has wrestled bulimia (since age 10), alcoholism (since her early teens), mental illness, a cheating husband, motherhood and the circuitous and perfect journey toward her own recipe for faith.  The gift of this book is that she opens her heart so your can feel safe rummaging around in yours, looking at "what's underneath" the pain and behind the walls she has built around her heart.  We all do it.  She makes the journey to an open heart feel possible.  If she can do it, we can do it.

She can turn a phrase too.  Some of them took my breath away.

On motherhood:

"The scent of him is so comforting and soothing it has ruined regular air for me altogether."

On the trauma's life can deal us:

"Shock is a grace period.  It gives a woman time to gather what she needs around her..."

On faith:

"Fear and God together will never make sense to me again."

I read it in just two nights.  It's a fast read because it's authentic.  If you know of anyone looking for a heart opener, anyone looking to have a possible breakthrough with their addiction, bulimia, or with the ever-delicate balancing act of being a mother and wife, click here: Love Warrior Book.

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